Where Can You Legally Place a Dash Cam in Vermont? Find Out Here!

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Dash cams are becoming more common as a way to record your driving and protect yourself in case of accidents. In Vermont, there are specific rules about where you can place a dash cam and how it should be used. These rules are meant to make sure dash cams don’t block your view or cause any safety issues.

Dash Cam Placement Rules in Vermont

Where You Can Place Your Dash Cam

  1. Lower Right Corner: You can mount your dash cam in the lower right corner of the windshield. It must be smaller than 4 inches tall and 12 inches long.
  2. Upper Left Corner: Another option is the upper left corner, but the dash cam here must be even smaller—less than 2 inches tall and 2.5 inches long.

Why Placement Matters

The law is clear that dash cams, or any device, cannot block the driver’s view. This rule is in place to keep driving safe and prevent accidents caused by limited visibility.

Other Things to Consider When Using a Dash Cam

Using Dash Cam Footage in Court

Dash cam recordings can be used in court to provide evidence during disputes or accidents. However, the footage must follow Vermont’s recording laws to be considered legal.

Recording Audio

If your dash cam has an audio recording feature, be careful. Vermont has privacy laws about recording conversations. For example, you might need permission from passengers to record what they say.


  1. Can I put my dash cam anywhere on the windshield?
    No, it must be in the lower right or upper left corners and meet size limits.
  2. Why are there size limits for dash cams?
    To make sure they don’t block your view and cause accidents.
  3. Is dash cam footage legal in court?
    Yes, as long as it follows Vermont’s recording laws.
  4. Do I need to inform passengers about audio recording?
    Yes, Vermont has privacy laws, and passengers should give consent.
  5. What happens if my dash cam blocks my view?
    It could be against the law and might result in fines or penalties.

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